CRM Integration: Configuring Your Integration

This article walks through how to set up and configure your integration instance for integrating data from GovSpend to your CRM system.

Navigation: How to Access GovSpend Integrations

  • In the top right of GovSpend, click “Account” to open up the Account Settings menu
  • Within the menu select “Integrations
  • This will bring you to the GovSpend Integrations page, a Marketplace with all available integrations
  • Select the application to which you want to integrate GovSpend data and move forward with configuration
    • Note that Salesforce is the only available integration at this time. If you use a different CRM system please reach out to your RM to schedule time with our Product team.

Configuration & Field Mapping

The below details how to set up and configure your integration instance for the first time, including authentication and field mapping.

Integration & User Set Up

  • The integration you use is set up at the Organization level. This means that all GovSpend users at your organization will be using the same integration instance. What this means:
    • Only ONE person at your organization should go through the configuration steps (described below) and authenticate with your CRM system. That same authentication will be used to authenticate with your CRM system regardless of the GovSpend user.
    • If any of your GovSpend users with access to integrations make changes to mappings within the configuration wizard, those changes will apply to everyone (i.e. all integrations).
  • Each user at your organization who you would like to preform integrations needs to be set up with integration permissions in GovSpend. Please coordinate with your RM to ensure all applicable users have the correct GovSpend permissions.
    • Once you have integration permissions you will be able to access the Integrations page and see the "Add to CRM" options in applicable modules.

Step 1: Initial Configuration

  • After you select the integration you want to set up from the Integrations page, click “Configure”

  • Make sure you have the correct CRM displaying in the Initial Configuration step
    • For example, if you've selected the Salesforce integration, then you should see Salesforce displayed at the top of the modal in step 1
  • You can choose to name this integration uniquely
    • Simply input your desired integration name in the “Name” field
    • This is for your use only and doesn’t impact the integration. Recommended if you expect to have multiple integrations for your Organization in the future.

  • No need to update or review the “Trigger Details” section
  • Click “Next” to move to the next step in the configuration

Step 2: Authentication

The Authenticate step is where you will input your own CRM credentials to connect to your CRM instance. For an organization, only one set of credentials is required for authentication. Each individual GovSpend user within that organization does not need to input their own credentials. 

  • Click the “Connect” button to initiate authentication

  • You will be taken to a new tab with the CRM login page, in this case the Salesforce Login page 
  • Enter your credentials for your organization’s CRM system
    • If you prefer to first connect to a sandbox environment to test the integration, we can work with you to do that.
  • Once you successfully authenticate you will be taken to a screen indicating that authentication was successful 
  • If your authorization is successful you can close out of that tab and return to GovSpend

Note: After you perform the above steps and successfully authenticate with your CRM, you will no longer need to authenticate each time, only if your CRM credentials change

    • When successfully connected you should see the green circle with checkmark displayed against your integration instance in the Integrations page

Only ONE user for the organization needs to enter their credentials for the Authentication step, users do NOT need to authenticate individually

  • Click “Next” to move to the next step in the configuration

Step 3: GovSpend Record Types

This step allows you to specify the GovSpend data you're interested in integrating (i.e. Bids, Contacts, etc.)

  • Each dataset from GovSpend available to integrate will show as a selectable container in the modal
  • Click to select each dataset you would like available for integrations
    • Currently Available: Bids, Contacts, Contracts, Agency Meetings, and Spending Line Items
  • These selections will determine what datasets you need to set up object and field mappings for in the next two steps, and where in GovSpend you will have access to integration capabilities

  • You can always come back and change this in the future if you find you want integrations across more datasets!

Note: We are ACTIVELY adding integration capabilities across new datasets. As we do that, you will see more options appear in this step for configuration. If there is a particular dataset not yet available you're interested in, please coordinate with your RM to schedule time with our team to set that up.

  • Click “Next” to move to the next step in the configuration

Step 4: Record Type Mapping

This step allows you to set up the mapping between each GovSpend dataset and the corresponding object in your CRM you want that data to flow into.

  • Each dataset/record type you selected in the previous step should appear in this mapping view in the "Source" column
  • For each, select the corresponding object type you'd like the data mapped to in your CRM in the "Destination" column
    • Available options will depend on your CRM system. For Salesforce the following options are available:
      • Contact
      • Lead 
      • Opportunity
      • Custom Objects (unique to your Salesforce instance)
    • Example: If your source is "Bids" and your destination is "Opportunity", that means bid records you select to integrate will flow into your Salesforce as Opportunities.

  • For each Source, you can set up mappings to multiple destination objects. Simply click "Add Mapping" and select your source and corresponding destination.
    • For example you can set up “Contact to Lead” as well as “Contact to Contact”

Note: If you would like to map data to a custom object in your CRM that is possible. Any custom objects that exist in your CRM system should appear for selection in the "Destination" list. You can also create a custom object specifically for the GovSpend data.

  • Click “Next” to move to the next step in the configuration

Step 5: Field Mapping

This step allows you to configure how fields map from your Source to your selected Destination object.

For a full list of available fields per GovSpend module, download this file.

  • You must review and set up field mappings for each unique Source-->Destination combination you set up in the Record Type Mapping step
  • Each Source/Destination combination will appear as its own tab in the Field Mapping step

  • Select the first tab and review the default suggested field mappings
    • Required Fields: Fields required to create the destination object are included in the first section. You can't modify the destination object fields (since they are required) but you can modify what GovSpend fields are being mapped by using the dropdown field selector.

    • Optional Fields: You can add any number of optional fields to map from GovSpend to your CRM destination object. We've included some suggested fields, but feel free to update or modify those.
      • To add more optional fields simply click "Add to Mapping" and then use the dropdowns to select the CRM fields and the GovSpend fields

  • Use the "delete" icons to remove any of the optional field mappings
  • Available Fields:
    • GovSpend Fields: These will include all fields available for the particular GovSpend dataset. When those fields are available on the associated record in GovSpend, they will map to the destination object against the specified CRM field.
    • Salesforce/CRM Fields: These will pull dynamically from your CRM destination object, including any custom fields you have set up.
  • Once you've completed the field mapping set up for your first Source/Destination combination, click the next tab and do the same for each additional combination.

  • When you've completed all the field mappings in step 5, click Finish

You are now ready to start integrating data from GovSpend directly into your CRM system!

Note: You must complete all 5 steps of the configuration set up before you can officially integrate data between GovSpend and your CRM. Once complete, there is no need for you to revisit the configuration unless you want to make changes to the data you're integrating or the field mappings.