In this article, we give you an overview of our Meeting Intelligence dataset.
Dataset Description
Meeting Intelligence is transcripts, videos, audio recordings, agendas, minutes, and other supporting documents related to public meetings. The information complements the bids, contracts, and spending modules in GovSpend, because agency, committee, or budget meetings often telegraph RFPs, prospective acquisitions, contracts, and agency spending decisions prior to taking official action.
Data Sources/Collection Methods
We utilize automated scrapers to scan Agency and hosted sites, download new content, and create text transcriptions of audio and video recordings using the latest Artificial Intelligence technology. We index video and audio transcripts by timestamp, with an interface that provides text previews and links that take the user to a specific point in a given meeting. We also provide AI generated summaries of all meetings in an effort to optimize search times.
Around 40-50 percent of agencies provide video and audio meeting recordings, while a much larger proportion of agencies make their official meeting agendas, minutes, and agenda packets available online. These documents are now indexed and searchable in our product.
We update our current agency meetings and agendas, while adding new agency sources, daily. We prioritize agendas and meetings starting at the state level followed by municipalities, counties and school districts alike.
Data Coverage/Comprehensiveness
Overall Coverage:
- Transcripts for 1.07 million + Video meetings & Documents; Targeting > 1.3 million by the end of 2024.
- We cover over 10,000+ agency meetings and agendas.
Refresh Rates/Timeliness
Scrapers run every day. 80% of agencies have data within the past 30 days; ~94% within the past 90 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does GovSpend transcribe these videos so fast and at such high quality?
GovSpend employs a proprietary combination of AI models, industry insight, and quality control measures to create the most timely, comprehensive, and accurate set of meeting transcripts on the market.
What are some of the key words specific to Meeting Intelligence?
Meeting, bid, bid opening, contract, resolution, expenditure, budget just to name a few.