In this article, we'll show you how to share your RFP with your networks or cancel it.
Sharing an Request:
1. Click the title of the request you want to share and click the Share Request button.
2. In the pop-up, you will see options to copy a share link or share with your networks via email or social media.
- Selecting email will open an email in your default email platform with a short message about what product or service your agency is requesting. It will also include a URL to the request.
- Selecting one of your social media channels will open a new window and autofill a post in the social media platform you selected. The post will include a link to the request along with any message you would like to include. If you are not currently logged into the platform selected, it will allow you to do so before you can share the request.

Canceling a Request:
1. Click the request you wish to cancel and click the Cancel Request button.
2. In the drop-down menu, choose your reason for canceling the request
3. Add any other explanation or comments in the text box.
4. Click Submit.