CRM Integration: Performing Integrations

This article reviews the integration capabilities available in GovSpend today and how to use them.

Before using integration capabilities in GovSpend, make sure that your Organization has gone through the initial integration configuration. Refer here for details.

Integrate Data from an Individual Record in GovSpend

From within the GovSpend application, you can choose to integrate data from a single record details page to your CRM system based on the integration configuration you have set up.

  • Click to view your Source-->Destination Object integration options for that particular GovSpend module. The available options are dynamic based on what you set up in Step 4 of the configuration process.
    • Example: In the integration configuration I've set up Bids to map to Opportunities in my Salesforce. Therefore, I see the following as an option to select from a Bid Details page in GovSpend: "Salesforce: Bid to Opportunity".

    • Example: In the integration configuration I've set up Contacts to map to Contacts AND Leads in my Salesforce. Therefore, I see the following options to select from a Contact Details page in GovSpend: "Salesforce: Contact to Contact" and "Salesforce: Contact to Lead".

  • Select the integration you want to perform for that particular record
    • This will trigger the record to move to your CRM based on the object mapping you have set up.
    • You will see two "toast" messages in the top right of your screen. One to indicate that the workflow was triggered successfully, and one to confirm when the integration is complete and data moved to your CRM.

  • Once your integration successfully runs, go into your CRM, view the applicable object type, and refresh to see the record from GovSpend created in your CRM.

Integrate Records in Batch from a Saved Search

When on a search page or a saved search, you can multi-select records and integrate them in batch to your CRM system based on the integration configuration you have set up.

  • Use the checkboxes to the left of each result in your results table to select the records you want to move to your CRM.

  • Once you've made a selection, you'll see the "Add to CRM" button to the top right of your search results table become available.

  • Click and select how you want to integrate your data. Similar to integrating from individual records, the available options are dynamic based on what you set up in Step 4 of the configuration process.

  • You will see the two toast messages to indicate your workflow was triggered successfully and the data available in your CRM.
  • Once your integration successfully runs, go into your CRM, view the applicable object type, and refresh to see the records from GovSpend created in your CRM.

Note: You can select up to 25 records to integrate at once from your search results.

Integration Use Case: Saved Search Alerts

If you have alerts set up for your Saved Searches, you can integrate records from that alert with just a few steps.

  • Find a recently saved search alert email in your inbox
  • Click a search link in the email to open up that search in GovSpend

  • Note that your search results will be filtered for the time frame of your alerts, so the results you see in GovSpend will be specific to that alert
  • Multi-select each record in your results and use the "Add to CRM" button to seamlessly move records you were alerted on to your CRM system.