This article reviews specifics around the Salesforce integration available in GovSpend.
To help ensure you have a smooth and successful integration experience, review the below best practices and notes about the GovSpend Salesforce integration.
Integration Limits
- Currently you can integrate up to 25 records in batch at one time
- Integrations are NOT currently tied to export credits
Integration & User Set Up
- The integration you use is set up at the Organization level. This means that all GovSpend users at your organization will be using the same integration instance. What this means:
- Only ONE person at your organization should go through the configuration steps (see here) and authenticate with your CRM system. That same authentication will be used to authenticate with your CRM system regardless of the GovSpend user.
- If any of your GovSpend users with access to integrations make changes to mappings within the configuration wizard, those changes will apply to everyone (i.e. all integrations).
- Each user at your organization who you would like to preform integrations needs to be set up with integration permissions in GovSpend. Please coordinate with your RM to ensure all applicable users have the correct GovSpend permissions.
- Once you have integration permissions you will be able to access the Integrations page and see the "Add to CRM" options in applicable modules.
Field Mapping
- Date Values: Salesforce fields only accept date values up through 12/31/4000. In cases where a record in GovSpend has a date above that value, we will send over the date 12/31/3000 to ensure your integration doesn't fail.
- Example: In the Bids & RFP's module, there are cases when a bid comes in with no due date, or the date is not yet set. In those cases, the GovSpend data team assigns a due date of 12/31/9999 to the bid. If you select and integrate these types of records to your Salesforce, we will populate a due date of 12/31/3000 in your Salesforce object instead.
- Text Fields: There are various character limits set for different text fields in Salesforce. To ensure we are able to send over text fields from GovSpend, we will truncate the text when necessary. You will be able to tell this has happened if you see three ellipses at the end of the text in Salesforce.
- Text Fields: Often there is html code that underlies text within GovSpend. We strip that out when sending over to Salesforce so the text in Salesforce is easier to read.
Mapping Logic
- The default logic we use when sending data over from GovSpend to Salesforce is "upsert". This means the integration updates a Salesforce Record if it exists, otherwise creates a new Salesforce Record
- Note: If you make a change to your field mappings in the configuration wizard, specifically adding a new GovSpend field, you may create a duplicate record in your CRM if you integrate the same record again. Salesforce will see the new GovSpend field and think that it is a completely new record flowing in.
- If you prefer a different logic to be used, please reach out to your RM and coordinate with our Product team. We are able to customize the logic in your integration to meet your needs.
Integrating Files
We support the ability to send over files that are attached to a record in GovSpend as a list of URL links. This functionality is currently supported for Bids, Contracts, and Agency Meetings.
- In order to send over file data to your Salesforce, you will need to create a custom field in your Salesforce.
- Work with your Salesforce admin to create a custom "Rich Text" field for the applicable object in your Salesforce. If you need assistance please reach out to your RM who can connect you with the Govspend Product team.
Once you have a custom "rich text" field on your Salesforce object, follow the below steps to set up your field mappings and integrate data:
- Go to the Integrations page in GovSpend
- Click your integration instance to open up the Configuration wizard
- Navigate to the field mapping step, the last step in the wizard.
- Click on the particular integration for which you want to send files
- Example: Click on "Bid to Opportunity"
- In the Optional fields section click "Add to Mapping"
- Click the GovSpend fields dropdown and select "File URLs (Rich Text)"
- Select the corresponding "Rich Text" custom field that you created within your Salesforce
- Click "Finish"
- Navigate to the Bids & RFP's module
- Find a bid record (or records) that have documents and click the "Add to CRM' button to integrate
- This can be done with both an individual record integration or batch integration
- Navigate to your Salesforce and find the corresponding bid records within the target object (for example Opportunities)
- Open up the record in your Salesforce and find the custom "rich text" field you created
- All files associated with that bid should be displayed as URL links within that field
- Click any of the links to open or download the documents.