This article provides details on the fields available for each GovSpend module to use in setting up your CRM Integration.
Below you'll find a list of the fields you can integrate for each GovSpend module including the type of field, field name, and a brief field description. These are the fields available to you when you configure your GovSpend integration (refer here for details).
Click here to download an excel version of the available field list.
Bids & RFP's
Field Type | Field Name | Field Description |
Bid Data | Bid Number | Bid number as provided on the bid record |
Bid Data | Department Name | Department name as provided on the bid record |
Bid Data | Description | Bid description as provided on the bid record |
Bid Data | Documents Count | Number of files/attachments associated with the bid record |
Bid Data | Due Date | Date specified on the bid record as the deadline to submit bid response |
Bid Data | File URLs (Rich Text) | GovSpend field that includes all files/attachments associated with a bid record in URL form. |
Bid Data | Posted Date | Date specified on the bid record as the date the Agency has made the bid available |
Bid Data | Record Created | Date bid record was added to GovSpend |
Bid Data | State FIPSCode | The State FIPS code as provided on the bid record |
Bid Data | Summary | Summary of the bid as provided on the bid record |
Bid Data | Title | Title of the bid as provided on the bid record |
Agency Data | Agency Country | Country of the Agency that has posted the bid |
Agency Data | Agency ID | Unique Govspend ID associated with the Agency that posted the bid |
Agency Data | Agency Lat Long | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Agency |
Agency Data | Agency Name | Name of Agency that posted the bid |
Agency Data | Agency Name State | Concatenated field of the Agency name and state, example "City of Laredo, Texas" |
Agency Data | Agency State | Name of the state the Agency is located, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Agency State Code | Abbreviation of the state associated with the Agency, example "VA" |
Agency Data | Agency State Name | Concatenated field of the Agency name and state, example "City of Laredo, Texas" |
Agency Data | Agency Type | Type of Agency, includes the following: State & Local, Federal, K-12 School, Higher Education |
Agency Data | Agency Website | Website of the Agency |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Label | Field with string "GovSpend" as the value. Useful to identify GovSpend as the source of data within your CRM system. |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Record Link | URL of the bid record that was integrated |
Field Type | Field Name | Field Description |
Contact Data | Address | Specific address of the Contact if available. May be the same address as the Agency if no specific address available for the Contact. |
Contact Data | City | Specific city associated with the contact if available |
Contact Data | Created At | Date the contact record was created in GovSpend |
Contact Data | Department | Department in which the contact works |
Contact Data | Contact's email address | |
Contact Data | First Name | Contacts first name |
Contact Data | Last Name | Contact's last name |
Contact Data | Modified At | Most recent date the contact record was updated |
Contact Data | Name | Contact's full name, First Name & Last Name |
Contact Data | Phone | Contact's phone number |
Contact Data | State | State associated with the address of the contact |
Contact Data | State Code | State code of the state associated with the address of the contact |
Contact Data | Title | Contact's Title |
Contact Data | Zip | Zip code associated with the contact record |
Agency Data | Organization Account Type | Agency Type of the agency the contact is associated with. Agency types include: Public School, Local Government, State Government, Stat University/College, Federal Government, Public Transit, Public Hospital, Public Utility, State Attorney, Clerk of Courts, Correctional Facility, Public Defender, Law Enforcement |
Agency Data | Organization Address 1 | Address of the Agency the contact is associated with |
Agency Data | Organization City | City in which the Agency is located |
Agency Data | Organization City State | Concatenated field of city and state of the Agency, example "Bismarck, North Dakota" |
Agency Data | Organization County | County in which the Agency is located |
Agency Data | Organization County FIPS Code | County FIPS code associated with Agency |
Agency Data | Organization County State | Concatenated field of the County and State of the Agency, example "Burleigh County, North Carolina" |
Agency Data | Organization County State Code | Concatenated field of the County name and State abbreviation, example "Burleigh County, ND" |
Agency Data | Organization FIPS Code | Agency FIPS code |
Agency Data | Organization Fiscal Year | Fiscal year end of the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization ID | Unique GovSpend ID associated with the Agency the contact is associated with |
Agency Data | Organization Lat Long | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization Name | Name of Agency associated with the contact record |
Agency Data | Organization Name State | Concatenated field of the Agency name and state, example "City of Laredo, Texas" |
Agency Data | Organization Name State Code | Concatenation of the Agency Name and associated State abbreviation |
Agency Data | Organization State | Name of the state the Agency is located, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Organization State Code | Abbreviation of the state associated with the Agency, example "VA" |
Agency Data | Organization State FIPS Code | State FIPS code of the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization Website | Website of the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization Zip | Zip code associated with the Agency |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Label | Field with string "GovSpend" as the value. Useful to identify GovSpend as the source of data within your CRM system. |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Record Link | URL of the contact record that was integrated |
Field Type | Field Name | Field Description |
Contract Data | # of Documents | Number of documents associated with the Contract record |
Contract Data | Contract Description | Description available on the Contract record |
Contract Data | Contract Effective Date | Date the contract is effective |
Contract Data | Contract End Date | Date the Contract ends |
Contract Data | Contract End Date Calculated | Calculated date the Contract ends if not available on the Contract Record |
Contract Data | Contract Maximum End Date | Max date the Contract ends |
Contract Data | Contract Number | Contract number available on the Contract record |
Contract Data | Contract Type | Type of contract, if specified on the Contract record |
Contract Data | Contract URL | URL link to Contract |
Contract Data | Cooperative Purchasing | Contract allows cooperative purchasing |
Contract Data | Cooperative/Consortium | Cooperative or Consortium associated with the Contract record |
Contract Data | Department Name | |
Contract Data | Disaster Purchasing | Indicates that state and local governments may procure Disaster Purchasing products/services from this contract |
Contract Data | Excluded Parties List | Indicates if the Contractor was found on the excluded parties list |
Contract Data | File URLs (Rich Text) | GovSpend field that includes all files/attachments associated with a contract record in URL form. |
Contract Data | NAICS Code | NAICS Code associated with the Contract record |
Contract Data | NIGP Code | NIGP code associated with the Contract record |
Contract Data | Record Created | Date the Contract record was created in GovSpend |
Contract Data | Socio Economic Codes | Socio Economic codes associated with the Contract record |
Contract Data | Socio Economic Combined | Concatenated field with Socio economic code and description as avialable on the contract record |
Contract Data | Socio Economic Status | Socio Economic description |
Contract Data | Title | Contract title as avialable on the Contract record |
Contract Data | UNSPSC Code | UNSPC product/service code(s) associated with the Contract record |
Agency Data | Agency Contact Email | Email address of the contact at the agency associated with the contract |
Agency Data | Agency Contact Name | Name of contact at the agency associated with the contract |
Agency Data | Agency Contact Phone | Phone number of contact at the agency associated with the contract |
Agency Data | Agency Country | Country in which the Agency is located |
Agency Data | Agency County | County in which the Agency is located |
Agency Data | Agency County and State | Concatenated field with Agency County and State, example "Travis County, Texas" |
Agency Data | Agency ID | Unique Govspend ID associated with the Agency the contact is associated with |
Agency Data | Agency Location | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Agency |
Agency Data | Agency Name | Name of Agency associated with the contract record |
Agency Data | Agency State | State abbreviation of the Agency associated with the contract record, example "VA" |
Agency Data | Agency State / Province | State Name of Agency associated with the contract record, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Agency State Name | State Name of Agency associated with the contract record, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Agency Type | Type of Agency, includes the following: State & Local, Federal, K-12 School, Higher Education |
Agency Data | County FIPS Code | FIPS code associated with the county of the Agency |
Agency Data | State FIPS Code | FIPS code associated with the State of the Agency |
Vendor Data | Company City | City the vendor/company associated with the Contract is located |
Vendor Data | Company Contact Email | Email address of the contact at the vendor/company associated with the contract |
Vendor Data | Company Contact Name | Name of contact at the vendor/company associated with the contract |
Vendor Data | Company Contact Phone | Phone number of contact at the vendor/company associated with the contract |
Vendor Data | Company Email | General email of the company/vendor associated with the contract if available |
Vendor Data | Company ID | ID of the vendor/company associated with the contract record |
Vendor Data | Company Name | Name of the vendor/company available on the contract record. This is as provided on the contract record. |
Vendor Data | Company Phone | Phone number of the vendor/company available on the contract record |
Vendor Data | Company State | State where the vendor/company is located |
Vendor Data | Company Street Address | Street address of the vendor/company associated with the contract record |
Vendor Data | Company Website | Website of the vendor/company associated with the contract record |
Vendor Data | Company Zip | Zip code of the vendor/company associated with the contract record |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Label | Field with string "GovSpend" as the value. Useful to identify GovSpend as the source of data within your CRM system. |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Record Link | URL of the contract record that was integrated |
Spending Line Items
Field Type | Field Name | Field Description |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Description | Description of the specific line item within the purchase order record |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item ID | ID associated with the line item in a purchase order, as provided in that purchase order |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Manufacturer | Manufacturer of the item described in the line item |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item PO ID | ID of the Purchase Order the line item is included in |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Part Number | Part number associated with the specific line item as provided in the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Quantity | Quantity of the particular item purchased in the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Total Price | Total Price paid of the specific line item within the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item UOM | Unit of measure of the specific line item |
Purchase Order Line Item Data | Line Item Unit Price | Unit price of the line item |
Purchase Order Data | PO Buyer | Buyer name associated with the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Data | PO Created At | Date the Purchase Order was created in GovSpend |
Purchase Order Data | PO Initiater | Name of PO Initiator as provided on the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Data | PO Initiator Email | Email of PO Initiator as provided on the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Data | PO Initator Phone | Phone number of PO Initiator as provided on the Purchase Order |
Purchase Order Data | PO Issued Amount | Purchase Order issued amount |
Purchase Order Data | PO Issued Date | Date the Purchase Order was issued |
Purchase Order Data | PO Number | Unique number associated with the Purchase Order, as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Ship To Address 1 | Ship To street address as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Ship To address 2 | Ship To street address as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Ship To City | Ship To City as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Sip to Country | Ship To County as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Ship To State | Ship To State as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Purchase Order Data | PO Ship To Zip | Ship To Zip Code as provided on the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Master Agency Population Count | Population count associated with the Agency. |
Agency Data | Organization Account Type | Agency Type of the agency the contact is associated with. Agency types include: Public School, Local Government, State Government, Stat University/College, Federal Government, Public Transit, Public Hospital, Public Utility, State Attorney, Clerk of Courts, Correctional Facility, Public Defender, Law Enforcement |
Agency Data | Organization Address 1 | Address of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization Address 2 | Address of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization City | City of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization Contact Count | Number of contacts associated with the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization County | County of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization Fiscal Year | Fiscal year end of the agency |
Agency Data | Organization Lat Long | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Agency |
Agency Data | Organization Name | Name of Agency associated with the contact record |
Agency Data | Organization Name State | Concatenated field of the Agency name and state, example "City of Laredo, Texas" |
Agency Data | Organization phone | Phone number of the Agency associated withe the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization State | Full state name where the Agency is located, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Organization Website | Website of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Agency Data | Organization Zip | Zip Code of the Agency associated with the Purchase Order record |
Vendor Data | Vendor Address 1 | Street address of the Vendor associated with the Purchase Order record |
Vendor Data | Vendor City | City where the Vendor is located |
Vendor Data | Vendor County | County where the Vendor is located |
Vendor Data | Vendor Email | Main email associated with the Vendor |
Vendor Data | Vendor Lat Long | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Vendor |
Vendor Data | Vendor Name | Full name of the Vendor associated with the Purchase Order |
Vendor Data | Vendor Phone | Phone number of the Vendor associated with the Purchase order |
Vendor Data | Vendor State | State where the Vendor is located |
Vendor Data | Vendor Website | Website of the Vendor associated with the Purchase Order |
Vendor Data | Vendor Zip | Zip Code of the Vendor associated with the Purchase Order |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Label | Field with string "GovSpend" as the value. Useful to identify GovSpend as the source of data within your CRM system. |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Record Link | URL of the Spending line item record that was integrated |
Agency Meetings
Field Type | Field Name | Field Description |
Meeting Data | Created At | Date the meeting record was created in GovSpend |
Meeting Data | Description | Description of the meeting as provided from the meeting source |
Meeting Data | Document Count | Number of documents available for the meeting record |
Meeting Data | File URLs (Rich Text) | GovSpend field that includes all files/attachments associated with a contract record in URL form. |
Meeting Data | Meeting Date | Date the meeting occurred |
Meeting Data | Published Date | Date the meeting was published in GovSpend |
Meeting Data | Title | Tile of the meeting as provided from the source |
Meeting Data | Transcription Summary | AI generated summary of the meeting transcript. This is produced by GovSpend and not from the meeting source. |
Meeting Data | Updated At | Latest date the meeting record was updated in GovSpend |
Meeting Data | Video URL | GovSpend field that includes a link to the meeting video transcript. |
Agency Data | Agency Country | Country of the Agency associated with the meeting record |
Agency Data | Agency Country FIPS Code | Country FIPS code of the Agency associated with the meeting record |
Agency Data | Agency County Name | County in which the Agency is located |
Agency Data | Agency County and State | Concatenated field with Agency County and State, example "Travis County, Texas" |
Agency Data | Agency Latitude and Longitude | Latitude and longitude values of the location of the Agency |
Agency Data | Agency Name | Name of the Agency associated with the meeting record |
Agency Data | Agency Organization ID | Unique GovSpend ID associated with the Agency the contact is associated with |
Agency Data | Agency State Code | Abbreviation of the state associated with the Agency, example "VA" |
Agency Data | Agency State FIPS Code | State FIPS code associated with the Agency |
Agency Data | Agency State Name | State the Agency is located in, example "Virginia" |
Agency Data | Agency Type | Agency Type of the agency the contact is associated with. Agency types include: Public School, Local Government, State Government, Stat University/College, Federal Government, Public Transit, Public Hospital, Public Utility, State Attorney, Clerk of Courts, Correctional Facility, Public Defender, Law Enforcement |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Label | Field with string "GovSpend" as the value. Useful to identify GovSpend as the source of data within your CRM system. |
GovSpend Generic | GovSpend Record Link | URL of the meeting record that was integrated |
GovSpend Custom Fields Specifically Available for Integrations
Field | Description | Modules Available |
File URLs (Rich Text) | This is a field we created to send over the URL for each document attached to the GovSpend record. It requires the customer to create a custom Salesforce field that is "rich text" so it can effectively display the URL links. | Bids, Contracts, Meetings |
Video URL | This is a field we created to send over the Video transcript URL from Meeting Intelligence. | Meetings |
GovSpend Label | This is a field we created to be a source field for GovSpend. Use it to identify that the records in your CRM are sourced from GovSpend. It sends over the value "GovSpend". | All modules |
GovSpend Record Link | This is a field we created to send over the record detail page link from GovSpend (for example a Bid Details page link). This is useful if you have people in your CRM that want to be able to view the record in Govspend. They can click this link and get directly to the record in GS. User needs a GS login to access the page. | All modules |