This article reviews how to use the Population Count filter within the Spending and Contacts modules to filter by Agency population.
Population Count is a custom filter that allows you to filter your results by Agency population. It is available in both Spending and Contacts for the following set of Agencies within Local Government:
- Counties: Includes County, Parish, and Borough
- Municipalities: Includes Township, Regional Municipality, City, Town, Village, and Hamlet
Note: Population Count is not available as a data point for ALL agencies in Spending and Contacts, only those designated as Counties and Municipalities.
Using the Population Count Filter:
Follow the below steps to add Population Count as a filter and use it to refine your search results.
- In Spending, click the "Add Filter" button at the bottom of your left set of filters
- In the modal that opens, search and select "population count". Click "Add 1 Filter" to add the filter to your set of search filters.
- The filter should now be added at the bottom of your left set of filters:
- Note: Since Population Count is only available for a subset of Agencies available in Spending (Counties and Municipalities) the filter will automatically trigger the "Search" button to appear. Your search results will not be filtered until you actually hit "Search".
- The default filter type is a number slider that allows you to filter on preset population ranges. You can filter on one range at a time or include multiple ranges at once. The preset ranges are as follows:
- 0-1,000
- 1,000 - 5,000
- 5,000 - 10,000
- 10,000 - 25,000
- 25,000 - 50,000
- 50,000 - 1 million
- 1 million+
- To use the slider, simply click on the large dot at either end of the range and drag it along the line. The slider will snap to the preset ranges as you drag it along.
- As you adjust the range, the result count will update even before you hit search. This represents the total Purchase Orders associated with agencies that fall within that population range.
- Once you've selected your desired range, click the "Search" button to filter your results.
- You'll see that the result count displayed in the filter now matches the count of Purchase Order results in your search.
- To view the set of Agencies associated with your selected population range, click the Agencies tab within your results table.
- If you prefer to filter on a custom population range, you can do that by changing the filter type:
- Click the 3 dot menu to the right of Population Count in the filter and select "Change to Number"
- This will update the filter type to be a custom range input
- Simply enter the custom range you want to use to filter and hit "Search" to filter your results
- To change back to the range slider, click the 3 dot menu again and select "Change to Number Slider"
View and Export Population Count in your Search Results
Add Population Count as a column in your search results table and export along with your results.
- To add Population Count as a column in your Purchase Order search results, click the 3 dot menu next to any column header in your results table and select "Add Column"
- In the modal that opens, search and select "population count". Click "Add 1 Column" to add Population Count as a column in your search results table.
- Within that column you can view the Population Count of the particular agency associated with that Purchase Order.
- Use the 3 dot menu to sort, remove or modify the position of that column within your search results table.
- Population Count is included in Default or Visible column exports when exporting Purchase Order results. Simply click "Export" from the top toolbar and ensure you have "Purchase Orders" selected as what you would like to export.
- This will include Population Count as a column in your purchase order export
- To export the Agencies with the associated population count, you can use an Agency Stats export. Within your export modal, select "Agency Stats" as what you would like to export.
- This will export the Agency results from your search. Note that Population Count is not currently included as a column in the Agency Stats exports.
For additional details on exporting, review our dedicated help article: How to Export Search Results
The Population Count filter is also available to add as a custom filter, search result column, and include in exports in the Contacts Module. Simply follow the same steps above to perform those actions within your Contacts searches.