Trial Guide 4: How to Navigate Co-Ops and Contracts

This module helps you understand who holds current contracts and when they expire, enabling you to strategize around upcoming business opportunities.

📚 Review:

1. Review this article on searching in Co-Ops and Contracts.

2. Watch the video below (or read this article) on keyword tips and tricks to help you optimize your search and get the most relevant results.

📝 Practice:

3. Practice searching in the Co-Ops and Contracts module. Follow the prompts below:

  • How many active contracts contain "alarm maintenance?"
  • How many of those contracts are tied to a cooperative?
  • Using the 2 steps above, what company was issued a contract with the "New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Alliance" with an end date of 4/26/2025?
  • How much was that contract worth?
  • Save your search as "Trial_Search_4_Contracts"

4. Now, try searching for contracts that are relevant to your company's products or services, or that your competitors currently hold. Should you hit any stumbling blocks, or have any questions, write them down to share with your GovSpend representative.

✨ Extra Credit ✨

Watch the webinar recording below to learn the top 5 ways to build a better pipeline with GovSpend.